Friday, August 24, 2018

My Night Skincare Routine

Yuhooooo, finally i'm back. Actually iT was sad bcz nO one caRes;) Firstly, i will use English for this entry and idk for later. bcs i see some visiters cannot understanding indonesian even though they're Malaysian TT So i just choose the way where all visiters can read and understand what i talk anymore. Buttttt, just say sorry if my grammar was so bad, the badly. hope u always understand me :)))

So last day i've been post my Morning Skincare. and now it's the Night, although i write it at morning lmao
anddd btw my skin type is Sensitive-Dry but sometimes its oily and combination. Moody--

Wardah Seaweed Cleansing Micellar Water

i thought this brand is recommended in Indonesia. it's good for Sensitive (for all skin types). i recomend this product because it's natural, no Alcohol and so cheap (freakin cheap:)

when i just look around to found another indonesian's brand i see they have so many chemicals and it's can makes your skin irritation for sensitive and feels dry. it's not good for my skin :(

depends on your own skin okay^^

Natural Facial Wash
Actually i don't have any facial wash because i still cannot find the good one for my skin, rn i having one recommended "Cetaphil" but it's kindaaa u kno it's fvckin expensive and i was tell my mom to buy it but i still have a lot request anymore :(

My friends from Hong Kong bought me this for Gift when she have to come back to her country and she gave me a lot things from this brand wkwk

but i did'nt use it anyways, i use Orimarru Soap (my mom's soap) instead hehe

"what exactly are you looking for?" -my mom

SOD Face Cream

it's not mine, my sister have this and she give me, her friends from China bought for her 

i used this cream at night when i want to go outside to finding some food or just look around. it's not clog your pores but it's relaxing your skin. for the price i thought it's not that expensive but i will tell my friends in China to buy for me if she come Indonesia :"

sometimes i use moistourizer cream or gel if i feel my skin was so dry

anyways, NO ALCOHOL ^v^

Olive Oil

you can use all of types of olive oil, it's very good and very recommended to re-pairing your acne and good for moisture dry skin

i used this at night too, when i will go sleep bcs it's very oily and i doesn't like the taste and smell.
whatever it's very good even if it's sooooo oily

Johnsohn's Baby Powder

i mixed it with the blossom.

this baby powder can give you soft covering and it's locked the olive oil so it's not very oily anymore. and the smell is good too, so soft and natural. Matte looks yow

I use this all the time after i wash my face and use the moistourizer. but the colour is fvckin white like Mochi with his flour :v

Nivea Lip Butter / Nivea Lip Care 

it's good for your daily activities. not very heavy but so comfortable in your lips. The smell and taste is good and soft, not smelly and crayon.


Okey, it's done! Let's sleep, we don't have many times to do skincare anymoreeee :*
thank uuuu, for the weekly skincare i will post it soonn ASAP ❤❤❤

7 Commentator(s):

  1. Ooo wardah is indonesian product? I saw this product at watson in Malaysia..yeah its cheap..

    1. yeah, it's Indonesian. very cheap but the most expensive in Indonesia hehe

  2. Klo liat produk dari luar aku suka nggak yakin bakal mudah mendapatkannya T_T
    Minyak zaitun itu mengingatkanku pada idul adha yang kemaren itu. Waktu itu kulit wajahku kerring banget. udah tau sih jenis kulitku alergi minyak zaitun tapi aku tetep ngeyel pake karna gak ada pelembab lain dan hasilnya... pas solat id mukaku bentol semua. Sebelum dan setelah sholat berusaha ditutup-tutupin pake tangan. memalukan sekalih :'v

    1. beli moisturizer aja aisha, murah kok 30ribuan, atau engga pake lotion muka (bukan hand body yaaa wkwk)

  3. Replies
    1. is it good? i never scrub my face until now anymore hhhh

  4. Oo wardah tu dari Indonesia, saya pernah jugak nampak produk ni di watson tapi tak pernah cuba lagi


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